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Principal Employer to pay PF/ESI for Contract Labour

Principal Employer to pay PF/ESI for Contract Labour

A renowned Advocate from an established Lawyer Firm shattered this assumption: The primary responsibility of payment of ESI and EPF contributions of the Contract Workers lies with the Contractor and the Principal Employer was only to ensure compliance by the Contractor.
It took sometime of convincing by the Advocate with facts laid down before me, that [...]

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Medical Bonus amended

Medical bonus under the Maternity Benefit Act has been enhanced from Rs. 2500 to Rs. 3500 with effect from 19th December 2011.

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EPFO loses case (20.07.2011) on Minimum Wage applicability to PF

A few days back in the case of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner, Gurgaon Vs. G4S Security Services (India) Limited & Anr, 2011 LLR 316, the Punjab & Haryana High Court held that the provident fund contributions are not necessarily to be paid on the wages as fixed under the Minimum Wages Act.
Aggrieved by the Order, [...]

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EPFO warns Employers from splitting salary to reduce PF contribution

It is common practice in India for employers to split wages into various smaller heads under the nomenclature of ‘allowances’ to avoid PF. In 2008 the PF Authorities had sent a circular to all its Inspecting Agencies to check the pay structures and the contract agreements of employers and ascertain if PF contribution was paid [...]

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All about Leave Rules

If you wanted to know everything about leaves, its rules, applicability in Factories or in establishments governed by the Shops and Establishments Act of each State, here it is. A compilation of Leave Rules for ready reference and implementation –

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UID to replace individual PF numbers

We could soon see PF number being replaced by UID (Unique Identification Number) as the member PF code,  after its introduction. This would save the trouble of the Employer issuing a new PF employee code and thereafter liasoning with the PF authorities in case of any transfer of the PF accumulations. The employee is also [...]

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PF savings could make you a Crorepathi!!!

This article on the Economic Times should put PF saving on the top in the list of methods of savings. Never realized that PF deductions on a modest salary of even 25k would render a balance of Rs. 1,65,00000.00 as retrial benefit (don’t trouble yourself counting the zeros; that figure is Rs. 1.65 crores!!)
Here are [...]

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Contract Labour status change – Proposal in Indian Labour Conference

The tripartite conference of Employers, Employees and the Government are to meet and one of the topics that would hold priority during the Indian Labour Conference (ILC) in the Amendment to the Contract Labour Act and also to their status w.r.t the permanent workmen. The proposed changes are hereunder  -

The threshold of 20 workers for [...]

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Tamilnadu may consider ‘Recognition of Trade Unions’

States like Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have enacted/ amended their State provisions to include a system of recognition of Unions. Construction workers in Tamilnadu have staged protest against the TN Govt’s unrelenting approach towards enacting a law requiring employers to recognize Trade Unions. While Govt has stated that it is not [...]

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How to withdraw your Provident Fund amount

This is one of the most disturbing question of employees leaving Organizations – ‘How do i get back my PF amount?’
Now that is more simple than it is usually conceived to be. The first question one needs to ask oneself is that ‘Do you really want to withdraw the PF saving or [...]

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